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Dec 31, 2009

BB's Bungalow - Episode 28
Christmas Downunder at the Bungalow

Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings to everyone out there and tune in to this month's Bungalow to chill out amongst all the madness of the silly season.

This show we’ll be hearing lots of special Christmas messages from members of The Dopefiend network and...

Dec 28, 2009

On the second of this year's whole series of incredible DopeTribe Dispatches shows put together by the supremely talented listeners to the Podcast Network, we begin with Lift, reading his special holiday themed short story, "The Grinch Who Stole Cannabis" to the DopeTribe. Next, DopeTriber Chester Cheeba...

Dec 25, 2009

In the Christmas day special episode of Psychonautica, Max Freakout plays the final installment of Stanislav Grof's seminar 'Psychospiritual death and rebirth, a visionary journey' from the World Psychedelic forum. Grof talks about Einstein's astrological transits and how they correspond to different parts of...

Dec 25, 2009

This Christmas Morning, the Dopefiend returns to send his Christmas message to the Stoner Nation, with the help of Entheo-pundit Max Freakout, Visionary Artists Podcaster, author and DopeTriber Alexander Beiner aka Ostritt, and santa's elves Squidgy Sid and G13. Settling down in the Dope Den for an early morning...

Dec 21, 2009

On the first of this year's bumper crop of fantastic DopeTribe Dispatches shows put together by the outrageously talented and creative members of the DopeTribe around the world, we kick of the festivities by joining the great psychedelic podfather himself, Lorenzo of the psychedelic salon, as he reads a special...