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Nov 26, 2007

On this week's episode of the Dopecast, the Web's Favourite Cannabis Commentator, the Dopefiend talks about how a recent bout of depression concluded in a touch of psychedelic-style synchronicity courtesy of our extended family of podcasts, and how cutting back one's cannabis intake can help an adjustment of perspective, announces that listeners will have the chance to fill in for the Dopecast over the Christmas break, reads a report on the 100th Episode celebrations in Amsterdam from regular listener MattyTHC, a story of cannabis allergy similar to Queerninja's, and a proposal for a Cannabis Wiki, then heads into the VaporLounge for a chat with Dopestock veteran Samwise Ganja about psychedelic theory and the World Psychedelic Forum next year, and Medical user Claudia, who talks about Crohn's disease and how Cannabis can relieve the pain while sharing a bag of some tasty Kemo vapour, some chat on the German legal situation as regards Cannabis, then, following a musical interlude, a recommendation of weed-doc In Pot We Trust from Zeke, which leads to a mention for psychedlic movie The Wonderland Experience and the Film Festival, now open for entries until March 2008, and some more discussion on whether or not using alcohol to clean glassware is safe, some questions about synthetic THC drug Marinol from Meatloaf J Sasquatch, and in the Cannabis news, the small Idaho town making national waves in Medical Marijuana, the Spanish Governments decision to maintain the schizophrenic status quo of Cannabis Law, the boy band icon who recommends that "more people should get stoned", the results of this year's Cannabis cup, how Cannabis can stop the spread of breast cancer, and how 98 percent of all plants seized by the DEA are non-active "ditchweed". Email, leave your comments, Skype my face, check out the Chatroom and don't forget to register at our brand new forum!

The Psychedelic Salon is here:

The C-Realm Podcast is here:

Wikistrains is here:

The World Psychedelic Forum in Basel, Switzerland is here:

In Pot We Trust, the Medical Marijuana documentary recommended by Zeke is here:

The Wonderland Experience, a cazy Psychedelic movie is here:

Submit your entries for the Film Festival here:

Theguest's Amsterdam Coffeeshop Blog, with details of this year's Cannabis Cup winners is here:

More on the Cannabis Cup:

More on the Breast Cancer study:

And the full details on those DEA figures about ditchweed:

Playlist: Beta Simon - Ablou; Bi Kalou Smoky - Djewouan; Richard Cole - Moxy; Ky-Enie - Young Girl; Ray Goody Brown - Ye Celi; Brent Jensen, Bill Anschell, Jeff Johnson, John Bishop - Sweet And Lovely; Joss Kezo - Anein Pauvre; Opm - Eternity; Mikey Dread - Raggamuffin Dubstyle; Junia Walker & Friends - Alright Dub; Tangara Speed Ghoda - X
Beta Simon
"Ablou" (mp3)
from "Kraity Payan Guez"
(Jober Entertainment)

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Bi Kalou Simoky
"Djéwouan" (mp3)
from "Perfection"
(Jober Entertainment)

More On This Album

Richard Cole
"Moxy" (mp3)
from "Shade"
(Origin Records)

More On This Album

"Young Girl" (mp3)
from "Then, Now, After..."
(Ryff Music)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
Ray Goody Brown
"Ye Celi" (mp3)
from "Lumiere"
(Jober Entertainment)

Buy at Napster
Brent Jensen, Bill Anschell, Jeff Johnson, John Bishop
"Sweet and Lovely" (mp3)
from "One More Mile"
(Origin Records)

More On This Album

Joss Kezo
"Anein Pauvre" (mp3)
from "Prions"
(Jober Entertainment)

Buy at Napster
"Eternity" (mp3)
from "In The Opmden"
(Suburban Noize Records)

Buy at Rhapsody
Mikey Dread
"Raggamuffin Dubstyle" (mp3)
from "African Anthem Deluxe: The Mikey Dread Show Dubwise"
(Dread at the Controls)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
Junia Walker & Friends
"Alright Dub" (mp3)
from "Exclusive Jusic"
(Jusic International)

Buy at Rhapsody
Tangara Speed Ghoda
"X" (mp3)
from "Esprits"
(Jober Entertainment)

Buy at GroupieTunes
Podcast Image: Afghan Manicure by sttony. Submit your pics here:
almost fifteen years ago

runescape powerleveling,runescape gold,Hold far more than other people.

over seventeen years ago

Actually, I don\'t own the domain name for Folks looking for the C-Realm Podcast can find it at either of the following:

Prelit trees
almost seventeen years ago

I\'m so there! Meetyall @ the film festival!