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Sep 29, 2008

On this week's episode of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast, the Dopefiend talks about how the tide appears to be turning in favour of medical marijuana patients in the US, drawing attention to five recent cases of police forces returning confiscated cannabis to its rightful owners. Tucking into the emails, the Dopefiend answers a question about grinders and mentions the appearance of cannabis couture on the high street and some support for the great ganja of the state of Ohio. Big Chill survivor happydaze777 reports about the disappearance of another Mail Order Marijuana provider, leading the Dopefiend to issue a general warning about MOM and the huge risks for those involved, and to give some advice to those seeking local providers instead. MTBSkaLover emails with details of his recent sabbatical from the dopetribe and his summer job involving homegrown Strawberry Cough and some beaver action, and Guitar Joe talks about how cannabis itself can tell you how best to moderate your use and avoid anxiety, including details of his experience with ayahuasca, prompting the Dopefiend to talk about how his recent moderative approach has enhanced his enjoyment of cannabis, and to mention Bruce Parry's BBC series "Amazon" and how it's awakened an urge to experience an ayahuasca ceremony. Guitar Joe also reviews his brand new Da Buddha vaporizer, after which the Dopefiend moves into the VaporLounge to sample some NYC Diesel and talk about the fundraiser auctions being held at for dopetribe mainstay Lllamabox, before cheshirecat tells of his first experience with cannabis and provides a musical interlude. Seriously lifted, the Dopefiend returns with news of Timp da Pimps's successful harvest and some ropey comedy, followed by some talk about legal smoking blends and whether any of them work and some more words of commendation for the Da Buddha from Virtual Vapor Lounge regular Keplin. In the Cannabis News this week, the Amsterdam tobacco ban claims its first coffeeshop casualty, and news of last week's Boston Freedom Rally. Email, send us a voicemail and drop by our Skype Virtual VaporLounge, and check out the forum.

Download this episode here:

For info of our gathering at the UK Hemp Expo, go here:

For Uncle Weed's London podcast, go here:

For more on Bruce Parry's Amazon, go here:

The Da Buddha Vaporizer can be found here:

Podcast Image: Look Shroom by Llamabox. Submit your pics here:

Playlist: Ashtech - Plain Speaking; Mauxuam - Viavai; Eat Static - Holy Stone; Tripswitch - Roll Your Own; Antenne - Long to Kiss; Mauxuam - After B4; Ivana Santilli, Jamaica to Toronto - Whateva U Want (feat. Jamaica to Toronto Band) (DJ Fase Lover's Rock Mix)

"Plain Speaking" (mp3)
from "Walkin' Target"
(Interchill Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
"Viavai" (mp3)
from "Viceversa"
(Interchill Records)

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Eat Static
"Holy Stone" (mp3)
from "Back to Earth..."
(Interchill Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
"Roll Your Own" (mp3)
from "Circuit Breaker: Rewired"
(Liquid Sound)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
"Long to Kiss" (mp3)
from "#3"
(helmet r00m recordings)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
"After B4" (mp3)
from "Future Memories"
(Interchill Records)

Buy at iTunes Music Store
Ivana Santilli, Jamaica to Toronto
"Whateva U Want (feat. Jamaica to Toronto Band)" (mp3)
from "Whateva U Want - Remixes"
(Do Right! Music)

Buy at iTunes Music Store

Da Buddha Vaporizer
almost fifteen years ago

Glad you guys checked out Da Buddha Vaporizer. It's a great vape!