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Jan 16, 2017

A brief look at The Dynavap Vapcap with The Pot King plus eMails from Canada, Shaggy Darklord, Crimson Impaler & Chemdank.


Cannabis, Vapourblimp, Very Berry, Instagram, Plenty, Crafty, hashy bongs, Halmstead, smoking, vaping, Vapvangelists, masochism, indoor windowsill grow, pinching, Northern Lights, thesaurus, speakeasy, Cannabis Clubs, seedlings, The Dude Grows Show, Get High grow segment, grow gurus, guerilla growing, hash, dynavap vapcap, vapefiend, lighter powered, glass, space docking, patented Dopefiend suck and scoop hoover method, joints, pipes, gas, uk medical, dabbing, Dez the Honey Badger, magnetic touching pelp,