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Jan 29, 2011



Who's there?


It's Me.


Playlist and/or credits of borrowed voices and items +/-

Alexaa, AT&T/Bell, AugustBurnsBlack, Big Dave, BlackBeauty, Cute, Dav, Donovan and Grandmother, Dopefiend's hand, Flock of Seagulls – Telecommunication, Forever and Always, Helios, High007, IoliteKnight, IoliteKnight's Smoke Detector, It's Andrew, JSP, John Lithgow, Juana Molina – Lo Dejamos, Kenzie massacre, Kevin Allison, King Lou, Lars B, Les Rita Mitsouko - Nuit D’Ivresse, Me, Me's Sis, Mistress Anonymous, Nexus, Pecos the Cat, QN, Styx – Light Up, Tirikiti Toker, Tiff, Villa Allegre, and many others I didn't bother to write down.


Special Thanks to all the above plus:

Skype, Stickam, You Tube, the Internet, and the voices of the world.


If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, questions, or sound clips you would like to hear in a future show, please send them to Me (