May 28, 2011
I was approached by the head stoner of the
network with a request to mangle his recorded footage from a 30
person psychedelic adventure at Vondelpark in Amsterdam at the
conclusion of the annual Dopestock Celebration. Having missed the
event entirely, I was challenged to recreate the collective
head-space experienced by all. Although the psychedelics were
varied in dosage and type amongst the participants involved, I
believe I have created a virtual trip that all are welcome to
consume. So take a hit of something strong, or several, and ponder
what the hell is going on in as you experience Musical Palsey's
sixteenth episode of Mangled Meditations.
Playlist and/or credits of borrowed items +/-
John Lithgow - Triplets, Dopefiend's recordings from 4-21-11,
Nexus' recordings from 4-21-11, Tomas Dvorak - The Black Cap
Brotherhood Theme, Pink Floyd - Zabriskie Point's Theme, Dub FX
-Society Gates, Ween – Captain Fantasy, Danny Elfman – Face Like a
Frog, Low Fidelity All Stars – Battleflag, Sony, Logic Pro.
Special Thanks to:
Dopefiend, Nexus, and all the miscellaneous Dopetribers contained
within the recordings whom I still have yet to meet.
If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, questions, or
sound clips you would like to hear in a future show, please send
them to Me (