Mar 27, 2010
Mangled Meditations #2 “Back in the day...”
As I mentioned last month, Musical Palsey is a 16 year old entity that I recently revived. Once I got started on it, I found I had opened up a time warp and began communicating with my past on a large scale. I reconnected with musicians I had worked with, friends I had lost contact with, and cassettes full of sounds I had completely forgotten about. I found myself spiraling into a smoldering abyss of nostalgia. On this second show you will hear samples from music and television shows that molded me, moments from my past (like my mother yelling at me to get moving and me being a little bitch back to her), and several surprises like an 'exorcism' I recorded long ago on some AM station. All of this has been sculpted into an forty-minute long journey into the world of the weird. This is elevator music for the psychotic. Take a hit of something, or several and ponder what the hell is going on as you hear Musical Palsey's second 40 minute episode of Mangled Meditations.
Playlist and/or credits of borrowed items +/-
Intro (See Episode #1 for details); Filmation; Muppet Show; Snoopy; Culture Club – The Dream; Answering message from Emily to her mother; Voo-Doo Drums in Hi-Fi; The Movement – Bingo; Sanford and Son; Some Outer Space themed porno; Tyler's Ex Girlfriend; Bob Larson Ministries; Curb Your Enthusiasm; Welcome Back Kotter; Down By the Station; Tiny Tim – The Coming Home Party; Me's son; Mary Macgregor – Good Friend; the Salvia Show from; Me and Me's Momma; Disco Duck; Ringo Starr; Bee Gees – I Started a Joke; Pink Floyd – Breathe; pop bottle rocket; Pipe Organ Greats; The Hand; Seseme Street; South Park - Uncle Fucker; Burl Ives – Ugly Bug Ball; Finding Nemo; Bambi; Mr. Men and Little Miss; Konami-Frogger; Alex Zane's Lying Game (quite funny, look up the video); Timo Maas – Shifter; Coldplay – For You; Sisters and Brothers – Sisters and Brothers; Villa Allegre; Bob Marley – Get Up Stand Up; and countless other unrecognizable or uncatagorizable sound bites.
Thanks to the following for their contributions, collaborations, and support: Chris, Nate, Josh, Leroy, Rich, Lisa, Diana, Norman
If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, questions, or sound clips you would like to hear in a future show, send them to Me (