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Aug 31, 2010

In this episode of Visionary Artists Podcast we interview author Marc Fiszman about his new graphic novel, Coffee. The podcast begins by exploring some of the themes raised in Coffee, including multiple dimensions, absurdity in art and the trickster in folklore. The interview delves into Marc's creative process, the surreal and quirky humour in Coffee, his interest in metaphysics and much more. After a musical interlude, we discuss the dichotomy between materialism and idealism in the context of visionary art and mystical experience. We also hear what's to come on Visionary Artists Podcast, including some information about next week's interview with Allyson Grey. Music from the Correspondents, Younger Brother and Nujabes complement this lively and hyper-dimensional episode.


Playlist: Nujabes - Just Forget; The Correspondents - Rentaclown; Nujabes - tsurugi no mai; Younger Brother - Weird on a Monday Night


You can download Coffee or read the first two chapters at

See Allyson Grey's beautiful art at


Visit and use the contact form in About the Author for the chance to get one of five copies of Coffee - first come first serve!