Feb 24, 2011
Tune in to this month’s BB’s Bungalow ep 42 hosted by
ioliteknight . It’s a monster show this month on the bungalow. We
get a taste of the new Zeitgeist movie “Moving forward”.
We have pt 2 of the interview with Doc Martin Ball.
We talk Launch box with helios dt.
A Family Feud clip from BB,” name something that gets past
And some beautiful readings from Alex Grey.
The art work
Rainbow Serpent Being," the most recent artwork by Alex Grey, was
painted while on tour in four Australian cities. It was started
live on stage with Shpongle at the Rainbow Serpent Festival. The
theme honours the annual gathering that has brought together "Love
Tribe" Aussies for the last thirteen years. The Rainbow
Serpent Festival is held each year in Victoria, Australia on the
weekend prior to Australia Day. The serpent of Aboriginal legend is
of immense proportions, originates from beneath the ground and is
responsible for pushing up huge ridges, mountains, gorges, and
meandering snake-like waterways across the landscape. Resting
in deep permanent waterholes, the mythic Rainbow Serpent, is
symbolic of the creative force.
Alex's painting of "Rainbow Serpent Being" will soon
be auctioned on ebay.
I aim to move and inspire you, the dope tribe to be all that you
can be!
It’s all about the love at the dopetribe.
So let’s get those spliffs sparked and vapes ignited as you join
ioliteknight as we run the gauntlet.
You can find me on the Grow report forum and twitter just look for
Email ioliteknight@hotmail.com.
I’d love to hear from you so please drop us an email to Blackbeauty@dopefiend.co.uk
Email your suggestions or requests to blackbeauty@dopefiend.co.uk or find BB on Skype at BlackBeauty1977 or on Twitter at BlackBeauty. We also love receiving your emails, product reviews, trip reports, voicemails, comedy or music that you would like to hear on the Bungalow. Every little bit you send helps out with putting these shows together for you, on the last Thursday of each and every month!
Show credits:
Podcast artwork thanks to pipboy and Alex grey.
Zeitgeist “Moving forward”
Special thanks to this months guests Helios DT and Martin
Play list:
Extra special thanks to Jenny and Steve Sic of Omnia for permission
to use their wonderful music in the show and I look forward to
having a chat soon.
Intro music -Dance until we die –Omnia
Les Crane Desiterata
Lucky Dube Different colours one people
Black eyed peas One tribe yo
Backing music
Jonathan Goldman chakra chants.
Global heart by Miten
Inka marka
Kazim Al Sahir
كاظم الساهر
Helios DT ( who you can find on the grow report forum and
twitter)for the tips on the Magic flight launch box.
Order your very own MFLB from vape fiend.com
Gather your sesh buddies for a vape out or smoke out at BB's Bungalow!
Remember to join me on the last Thursday of every month for a new episode of the Bungalow on Dopefiend.co.uk.