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Sep 29, 2011

BB’s Bungalow 49 – Reefer Madness & a Boat Trip

Tune in to this month’s BB’s Bungalow 49 hosted by IoliteKnight. It’s the eve of the big 50 this month at the Bungalow. The Bungalow has been in lockdown to get this month’s show out to you guys.

We have some great tunes, an interview featuring Dr John Jiggens author of “The new drug that maddens people (Reefer madness 2.0)” and cannabis related information on the solution to Japan’s radiation threat.

Special guest presenter Sgt Nomad drops into the Bungalow to read a poem sent in by our very own Podders. And speaking of the growing OzDopetribe, we’ll hear some audio that captures some of the crazy shenanigans we get up to down here. IK met some random guys on the street thanks to his vaporiser and we ended up back at an awesome warehouse for a few spliffs and a ride in a 4x4 that transformed into a boat going the wrong way up a one-way street with the “Boat Captain”.

I aim to move and inspire you - the dope tribe - to be all that you can be!

It’s all about the love at the dopetribe.

So get those spliffs sparked and vapes ignited as you join ioliteknight as we run the gauntlet. You can find me on the Grow report forum and twitter just look for @ioliteknight.



Email your suggestions or requests to or find BB on Skype at BlackBeauty1977 or on Twitter at BlackBeauty. We love receiving your emails, product reviews, trip reports, voicemails, comedy or music that you would like to hear on the Bungalow. Every little bit you send helps out with putting these shows together for you, on the last Thursday of each and every month and don’t forget to send in your messages the 50th episode – there’s only 4 weeks left!

Show credits: Podcast artwork thanks to PipBoy.


P l a y l i s t:

Sam Sparrow - Cotton Mouth

Jens Lekman - An argument with myself

Cannabis solution to Japanese radiation

New drug that maddens victims (Reefer Madness 2.0) - Dr John Jiggens on ABC Radio National

Blueberry Sherbert - Oztribe and the Boat Captain

Beautiful People - Superheavy

Jono Callow - Didgeridoo and drum solo


Extra special thanks to:

The man of the hour QueerNinja <3 for the hours of Skypeing to resolve tech-geekery issues on IK’s ‘puter.

EsseB for his Intro.

Pipboy for the amazing artwork.

BigDave for help with file conversion.

Sgt Nomad for his contributions to this months show.

The Boat Captain for an unforgettable adventure.

Tirikite Toker.

And all of those who sent in emails and messages.

Most of all BB for 49 most excellent shows and getting the bulk of the content to me for this month’s show!

And the man who started it all for all of us here…..Dopefiend!


Backing music:

Yothu Yindi

We honour spirit of place and its beautiful tribal people here in the Bungalow.

It’s all about the love in the Dopetribe.

Order your very own iolite WISPR or MFLB from vape

Gather your sesh buddies for a vape out or smoke out at BB's Bungalow!

Remember to join us on the last Thursday of every month for a new episode of BB’s Bungalow on