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Dec 27, 2012

BB's Bungalow 64: Hempy Holidays to everyone!

Happy Holidays to everyone out there on the podcast network!!

On this month's show, Tirikite Toker catches up with Jim Moylan, National Campaign Director of the HEMP Party on the back balcony of the Nimbin Hemp Embassy on the 8th of December 2012. Jim tells us about the latest rumblings in the failed War Against Drugs and how recent legislation changes in the U.S. may be accellerating the turning point in other parts of the world such as Australia.

We'll then be joined by Matt Riley, President of the Victorian branch of the HEMP Party, recorded on 13th of October 2012 as an introduction at Dr John Jiggens' book launch in Melbourne. If you missed it, check out the last episode (#63) to hear more from Dr John Jiggens and the books he has authored about the history of hemp and cannabis in Australia.

I'll also bring you audio of Virgin Founder Richard Branson and Drug Policy Alliance Executive Director Ethan Nadelmann who are interviewed on BBC TV about the failed drug war and the new documentary Breaking the Taboo.

BB's Bungalow comes out on the last Thursday of every month. I love hearing from you and it's been very quiet recently so please write in and tell us what you're up to, or of some recent kit or bud you've enjoyed and of course we love to receive your favourite music, comedy and trip reports! Drop me an email now to

A Marijuana Christmas - Highest Night, Smokey Night (from Evil Bong 3D)


Cheech and Chong Christmas


Jingle Bell Rock Marijuana Christmas Song - Susan McCord


Bong Bong Bong - Jet Baker


BBC TV: Richard Branson and Ethan Nadelmann Discuss Failed Drug War


Don't Legalise Pot - unknown comedian (sorry!)


Pink Floyd - Merry Xmas Song


If you're in Australia and want to join the fight for drug law reform, then why not join the HEMP party and Help End Marijuana Prohibition!? Membership is free and open to Australian citizens who are registered to vote and not already a member of any other political party. For more information, go to where you can complete an instant online application form or for more information on future meetups check out for more information.

Thanks again for chilling out at BB's bungalow. I'll be back in 2013 and remember a new show comes out on the last Thursday of every month and in the meantime check out all the other great shows on the podcast network.