On this week's episode of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast, the
Dopefiend kicks things of with some chat about this week's
headline-grabbing BBC documentary "Should I Get Stoned?" and
whether it will actually change any viewers' minds about Cannabis,
then addresses the question of why there is a delayed high when
using a vaporizer instead of smoking, some discussion on Absinthe,
where it's illegal and what makes it illegal, and whether
Cannabis-infused Absinthe is available, the Italian cannabis scene
and how to go about getting some ganja in Italy, then we relocate
to the VaporLounge for a chat with special guest thegrowreport.com
forum user and Psychedelica author Ostritt who tells us about the
Cannabis scene in Ireland, how it gels with the traditional
Catholic / drinking culture there, the locally available hash that
he's been enjoying recently, how the temperature at which you
vaporize can really effect the quality of your high and flavour of
the vapour, the differences between the Volcano Classic and the
Volcano Digit, the Amazonian Shamanism Conference, which Ostritt
will be attending, and "Beyond the Basin", his psychedelic novel,
the various publishing options open to him, and how publishing is
changing in the modern world, and literature in general and how
psychedelic themes and ideas are represented through literary
history. After a musical break, the Dopefiend leaves Ostritt in the
VaporLounge and talks about how Cannabis can contribute to paranoia
and depression and how best to avoid such effects, then
Xochipilli2012 leaves a voicemail talking about his excitement at
the approaching Dopestock 2008 in Amsterdam, then we swing by the
Sacred Oak for some commentary from Druidude on the decline in
Cannabis-related arrests in the UK and the Conservative Party's
response to it, the NIDA's new centre for "Marijuana Addiction",
why Big Pharma are so keen to get behind it, and why in reality
there's no such thing as Marijuana Addiction, the sad demise of
Gordon Goodfellow and the teenage stoner who force-fed a pensioner
a basketball while high. Back in the Dope Den, the Dopefiend tells
of the high school student busted for smuggling Cannabis inside
cans of vegetables, the Boston Congressman who wants to legalize
marijuana, the Australian grower who called the cops when thieves
struck his grow op, the moves afoot in Jamaica to bring about
Cannabis Legalization, the man busted at the bank because his cash
smelled of weed, and the excellent news that the dutch smoking ban
doesn't apply to Cannabis. Email your comments, questions and
suggestions to
mail@dopefiend.co.uk, send us a
voicemail and drop by our Skype Virtual VaporLounge, and check out
Download this episode here:
UK viewers can watch "Should I Get Stoned?" here:
International Viewers can download the torrent here:
Or watch it on
Check out
WeBeHigh.com, the
great stoner travel guide
For more on the Amazonian Shamanism Conference mentioned by
Ostritt, go here:
Playlist: Temposhark - Crime; Studio Apartment, Monique Bingham,
Frankie Feliciano - Flight (Nulife Vocal Mix); Easy Star All-Stars
- Until That Day; Kenny Neal - Baby Bee; Rick Fowler - Skeletons in
Your Closet; Taj Weekes - Propaganda War; Walt Blanton - Song
Without Words; Kush Arora - Surf's Up; Younger Brother - Psychic
Gibbon; Double Dan - My Yard; Biaje, San Quinn - For Ever I Luv the
Podcast Image by sttony. Submit your pics here: