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Sep 28, 2009

On the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast this week, the Dopefiend talks about how today sees Marc Emery turning himself in to the authorities to begin his extradition to the United States for selling cannabis seeds after a gruelling four-year struggle. Hitting the emails, the Dopefiend talks about the positive feedback following last week's LSD audio, whether you can find good buds in Myrtle Beach, whether there should be a iPod app, the rare phenomenon of Dopecast hate mail, whether psychedelics connect us to our feminine energies, how recreational cannabis users are often also unwitting medical users, and we hear a brief cannabis trip report from Mr Rushh. Next, the Dopefiend heads into the VaporLounge to fire up the Volcano vaporizer and sample the powerful indica stone of some Purple Kush while talking about next year's DopeStock, the forthcoming UK Hemp Expo in London, and next year's release of Mr Nice: The Movie before taking a musical interlude courtesy of Tyson. Before returning to the emails, the Dopefiend mentions a couple of old documentaries about London he's recently rediscovered, then talks about why cannabis and psychedelics are more feared by the authorities than alcohol, cocaine and prescription drugs, the anonymity of the DopeTribe and the Dopefiend himself, the line between reality and gaming, and whether playing games on psychedelics is a valuable experience. In this week's Cannabis News: Denmark considers legalizing cannabis in an effort to reduce gang crime, Florida detectives are caught on camera playing Wii bowling during a drug raid, and the Greek guerrilla grower who tried (and failed) to hide in plain sight! Email, send us a voicemail and drop by our Skype Virtual VaporLounge, and check out the forum.

Download this episode here:

Get your very own iolite/I-Inhale Portable vaporizer for just £145 including free worldwide shipping, or the Volcano Vaporizer at the lowest prices on the net, all at

For more on Marc Emery's extradition, go to Jodie Emery's blog:


For more details on the UK Hemp Expo, go here:

The Dopefiend mentioned a 1969 Jack the Ripper documentary clip, which is the third video down on this great page:

And also "The Ghosts of Oxford Street", which can be watched online from the UK here:

Those outside the UK can chance their luck with the torrent on The Pirate Bay.

Felice linked to this video in her email about the "game" of consensus reality:

The Danish study into the viability cannabis legalization is here

And the Polk County drug task force Wii bowling video is here:

Playlist: Zohor Hussin - Maqam Dasht; Tribo de Gonzaga - Clube da Esquina No. 2; The Black Seeds - Take Your Chances; Taco & Da Mofos - Whatever You Like; Etran Finatawa - Tekana (Niger); Dubmatix, Freddy Locks - Power (Dub Version); John Costello - Blue Mood; Pacifiable - Dose; Martin Speake, Nikki Iles, Duncan Hopkins, Anthony Michelli - The Heron; Antoine Dufour, Tommy Gauthier - Intenso; Pocket - Hear in Noiseville (feat. Steve Kilbey); Ashok - Moving Toward Stillness

Podcast Image by happy:snail: "smiling on the food of the gods... and the humans". Submit your pics here:

Zohor Hussin
"Maqam Dasht" (mp3)
from "The Golden Collection"
(Jasmine Music)

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Tribo de Gonzaga
"Clube da Esquina No. 2" (mp3)
from "De Mudar O Coracão de Cada Um"

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The Black Seeds
"Take Your Chances" (mp3)
from "Solid Ground"
(Easy Star Records)

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Taco & Da Mofos
"Whatever You Like" (mp3)
from "Bump Star Revolution"
(Wyte Music/Subliminal Sounds)

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Etran Finatawa
"Tekana (Niger)" (mp3)
from "Think Global: Celebrate Africa!"
(Think Global/World Music Network)

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Dubmatix, Freddy Locks
"Power" (mp3)
from "Power"
(7 Arts Entertainment)

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John Costello
"Blue Mood" (mp3)
from "Giants of Jazz"
(Fervor Records)

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Martin Speake, Nikki Iles, Duncan Hopkins, Anthony Michelli
"The Heron" (mp3)
from "Secret"
(Basho Records)

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Antoine Dufour, Tommy Gauthier
"Intenso" (mp3)
from "Still Strings"
(Candy Rat Records)

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"Hear in Noiseville (feat. Steve Kilbey)" (mp3)
from "Singles - Volume 1"
(24 Hour Service Station)

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"Moving Toward Stillness" (mp3)
from "Being of Enlightenment"
(Arbor Records Ltd.)

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Colorado Mountain Lion Hunting
over fifteen years ago

I think half the time we are either listening to podcast or posting them.