Nov 2, 2009
On this week's episode of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast,
the Dopefiend responds to the extraordinary events of the past
week, in which the British Government's chief scientific advisor
was fired for suggesting that drug law in the UK doesn't reflect
the level of harm caused to society by drug use. Turning to this
week's emails, the Dopefiend talks about the most efficient ways to
use your vaporizer, casts his expert eyes over a couple of
newcomers on the vaporizer market, the safety of plastic bongs, the
recent pro-pot protests in New Hampshire and their senate's
rejection of a medical marijuana law. Heading into the VaporLounge,
the Dopefiend takes a second look at the super-portable, super-fast
Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer, weighing up its advantages and
disadvantages, comparing it with the iolite, and using it to take a
speedy hit of Sage N Sour, before returning to the subject of
internet security when visiting weed-related websites, and taking a
musical break provided by listener J. Returning to the emails, the
Dopefiend talks Amsterdam and vapo-poop bakery, before this week's
Cannabis News, including an overview of the medical marijuana scene
in Alasks, and why the recent Justice Department advice on
compassion clubs won't affect them much, stoner snowboarder Ross
Rebagliati makes the move into politics, the California Committee
on Public Safety looks into decriminalization, and 2 and a half
tablespoons of bongwater could land you in jail for over seven
years! Email, send us a
voicemail and drop by our Skype Virtual VaporLounge, and check out
the forum.
Download this episode here:
Get your very own Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer for £65
including free worldiwde shipping, the iolite/I-Inhale Portable
vaporizer for just £145 including free worldwide shipping, or the
Volcano Vaporizer at the lowest prices on the net, all at
For more details on the UK Hemp Expo, go here:
The full study into how many cannabis users would need to be
prevented in order to prevent one case of schizophrenia can be
downloaded here:
Add your support to these petitions backing Professor Nutt and
sensible drug policy in the UK:
High007 recommended security software Ultrsurf, which can be found
Check out this week's featured musician, J, at
Playlist: B6 - Blind Leading the Blissed; Euforquestra - Soup; The
Peter Blair Quartet - Night Wind; Noertker's Moxie - Virágé; Go-Go
Fightmaster - President Ass; Dejan's Olympia Brass Band - Down By
The Riverside; Jay-J - Every Road; CYNE - Pretty Apollo; Arisaka -
Agitat; Shigeto - Is This All For Real; Pocket - Someone To Run
Away From (feat. Craig Wedren); New Villager - Rich Doors; Kaya
Project - From Raag to Ragga
Podcast Image: The Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer. Submit your
pics here: