Sep 5, 2011
On this week's very special episode of the Web's Favourite
Cannabis Podcast, the Dopefiend plays Master of Ceremonies at the
DopeCave Cup, the first ever cannabis growers' and breeders'
competition on British soil. Hidden away in a secret location, the
judges and entrants gather for a fast and furious ganja tasting
session, and the Dopefiend kicks things off by introducing the
judges: Nexus, Jay K, the Gremlin of Ganja, Tim Prince and Max
Freakout, revealing some fantastic news from Jay K, and asking the
judges what kind of criteria they'll be using to decide the winner.
Next, with the help of glamorous assistant Esse B, the Dopefiend
racks up the hits using the incredible brand new combination of a
Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer with mains power supply, water
pipe adaptor and glass bong supplied by the event's sponsors Magic
Flight. As the judges give their thoughts on the 9 magnificent
entries vying for the top prize and status as the first ever winner
of the DopeCave Cup, the Dopefiend also talks to stowaway
spectators Flick and Scottobaggins and entrant Blank Steve about
what it's like to be present at such an historic occasion, and we
have some musical entertainment from the DopeTribe's resident
minstrel Son of Gonzo. After some intensive tasting of the eight
strains of herbal cannabis entered in the cup, Tim Prince puts
forward his suggestion for a method with which to try the only
extract entry, some incredible sticky oil from Camembert
Beanflicker, the fabled "Ladies' Hotknives", which results in much
controversy and very little else. Next, we eavesdrop on the judges'
deliberations before the scores are totted up and the winning
strain is revealed. To find out which entrant is responsible for
this remarkable award winning gourmet ganja, and who won the
runners'-up prizes, make sure you tune in to the prizegiving
ceremony with a cast of DopeTribers from all over the UK, only on
next Monday's Dopecast! Email, send us a
voicemail, follow @dopefiend and the new
VaporLounge on twitter, and check out the forum.
Download this episode here:
Get your very own Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer for £99
including free worldwide shipping, the WISPR, the newest and most
exciting portable vaporizer around, for only £170 including free
worldwide shipping, or the Volcano Vaporizer at the lowest prices
on the net, all at
Don't miss this week's DopeTribe Live! here on on
Sunday at 7pm UK time, or at these times around the world:
Check out this week's featured musical artist, Son of Gonzo, here:
or email him at
Podcast Image: The nine strains competing for the DopeCave Cup!
Submit your pics here:
or via twitter @dopefiend
Playlist: Son of Gonzo - London Storms