Sep 19, 2011
On this week's episode of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast,
the Dopefiend takes a look at the news that hopsitals in Britain
will soon be administering cannabis-based medicine Sativex to
patients, and what this means for the British medical marijuana
movement in general. Turning to this week's emails, the Dopefiend
talks about the amazingly generous and huge response from stateside
Dopetribers who have offered him places to stay all over the United
States during his American tour next year, as well as his feelings
about the future of the Dopecast, the false economy of buying fake
Volcano equipment, and how those unfamiliar with cannabis use often
make the mistake of thinking that cannabis users are unintelligent
or unproductive. Heading into the VaporLounge, the Dopefiend takes
a close look at some Shark grown by Billy G before grinding it up
and vaporizing it in his WISPR portable vaporizer while chatting
about the success of the DopeCave Cup, how the DopeTribe took to
the WISPR, and how he's grateful for an indica strain to vape
because of his broken toe, caused in part, though without his
knowing, by DopeTriber Squidgy Sid! After a story from Greenknite
about how using Mail Order Marijuana could lead one to a court
appearance and a lost Launch Box, and a musical interlude featuring
Greenknite himself, the Dopefiend returns to the emails and a story
from J concerning his depression and lack of motivation following
abstention from cannabis use, and whether there is any truth to the
belief that cannabis use suppresses dreams. In the Cannabis News,
Ottawa420 reports on the canadian office workers who accidentally
ate a tray of pot brownies, before the Dopefiend reports on the
sequencing of the DNA of cannabis, Ken Kesey's documentary footage
of his Merry Prankster "Further" Odyssey finally sees the light of
day, and a crashed truck containing big bags of marijuana promotes
a herbal gold rush in San Jose. Email, send us a
voicemail, follow @dopefiend and the new
VaporLounge on twitter, and check out the forum.
Download this episode here:
Get your very own WISPR, the newest and most exciting portable
vaporizer around, for only £170 including free worldwide shipping,
the iolite Portable vaporizer for just £110 including free
worldwide shipping, the Volcano Vaporizer at the lowest prices on
the net, or the Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer for £99 including
free worldwide shipping, all at
Don't miss this week's DopeTribe Live! here on on
Sunday at 7pm UK time, or at these times around the world:
You can see the trailer for "Magic Trip: Ken Kesey's Search for a
Kool Place" and watch the whole movie online at
Podcast Image by Christine: "These are the first fruits of my labor
from the new grow room that we've been talking about on Dopetribe
live. No strain information. The leaf fingers were rather thick so
I'm hoping for some good couchlock" Submit your pics here:
or via twitter @dopefiend
Playlist: Interrobang - Neon Kiss (feat. Garbo); Stefan Mallmann -
Rock That Shit; Man Ray - Ways Of Making Music; Lord Kitchener -
Trinidad Time; Trenton and Free Radical - Mr Mandela; Clockwork
Overkill - Under The Sea ;The Shift - On This Side (Courtney
Nielsen Beatless Dub) [feat. Bora Yoon]; Mad Zach, R2 The
Specialist - Big D; Blip Blip Bleep - Freak You Out; The
Versionaries - Open Eyes; Sounds of Liberation - New Life;
The Seven Fields of Aphelion - Mountain Mary