May 21, 2012
On this week's fourth and final epsiode of the Web's Favourite
Cannabis Podcast LIVE from this year's incredible Dopestock
festivities in Amsterdam, the Dopefiend is joined by a massive
horde of stoned DopeTribers in the basement of the Dolphin's
Coffeeshop, and immediately gets the evening's festivites started
by launching the judging for this year's Dopestock Joint Rolling
Competition, and talking to the esteemed panel of judges, Esse B,
Jay K and Tim Prince, who tell what they are looking out for in the
search for this year's winner, before they actually begin the
judging, working through the crowds and sampling joints created by
High007, BlackBeauty, Green Lady, DaveyMac, TeenagePie, EZ Whip,
Spluffaluffagus, Christine, weeshug, MellowCulero, Professor Vape
and Kush King while the Dopefiend talks to the entrants and
spectators and commentates on the proceedings and also talks to
this year's new Dealer in Drug Deal or No Drug Deal, the star of
Shroom with a View, Nexus, and the man in charge of adding up the
votes for this year's Dopestock Cup, star of Pothead's Coffeeshop,
Pothead. Following some intense deliberation between the judges
outside the Dolphins Coffeeshop, the Dopefiend brings the judges
back down into the basement to announce the three winners and to
distribute the prizes to the happy winners. Without taking a
breath, the Dopefiend immediately turns to Pothead for the
announcement of this year's winner of the DopeStock Cup, before
getting stuck into the main event of the evening's festivities, the
long awaited return of Drug Deal or No Drug Deal, with an enormous
prize haul on offer including a Plenty Vaporizer, and a stack of
WISPR and Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizers, a sack full of
gourmet ganja such as Cannastura, Rusty Whore, Mintslap and
Psychonautica, and a huge cast of contestants including Smurfs, Dan
N, Snow King, Christine, HazyJay, Nez, Scottobaggins, ZyBear, Tim
Prince, Infinity, High007, BlackBeauty, St. Wolf, Pothead, Esse B,
Green Giant, DannyGreenFingers and MildlyAmused. Finally the
Dopefiend rounds off an incredible week of extreme stoneage by
sampling the feelings in the very high crowd as we stick a fork in
DopeStock for the last time. Don't miss the return of the Dopefiend
to the Dope Den next Monday, featuring some very special guests!
Email, send us a
follow @dopefiend and the new
VaporLounge on twitter, and check out the forum.
Download this episode here:
Get your very own Arizer Solo portable vaporizer (£159 including
worldwide shipping), a ThermoVape vaporizer (from £99 including
worldwide shipping), the PLENTY, the brand new vaporizer from the
team behind the Volcano (£199 including free worldwide shipping),
the WISPR (£159 including free worldwide shipping), IOLITE ORIGINAL
Portable vaporizer (£115 including free worldwide shipping), the
Volcano Vaporizer at the lowest prices on the net, or the Magic
Flight Launch Box vaporizer (£79 including free worldwide
shipping), all at
Before buying any vaporizer, always check for a Dopefiend review at
Don't miss this week's DopeTribe Live! here on on
Sunday at 7pm UK time, or at these times around the world:
Podcast Image: Dopefiend's final day view from the Green Place,
supplemented with other pics by pecos the cat. Submit your pics