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Apr 26, 2020

Back every Sunday, a wizened and aged Dopefiend is joined on the occasion of his 40th birthday by guests Lorenzo Hagerty of the Psychedelic Salon, Mangled Meditations' "Me", San Franciscan in Poland J Hobbbs, Torontan HudsonRulez, Halmsteadians Teenage Pie and Mrs Mole, as well as London-based DopeTribers Esse B, Son of Gonzo, the Bagginsis and the Gremlin of Ganja for a free-wheeling conversation that pretty much entirely swerves the topic of Coronavirus and covers whether "corporate" legalization is good or bad for grass-roots cannabusiness and the cannabis community, earliest cannabis experiences, current stash sit reps and stash-management plans in the apocalypse, including a forensic examination of the Gremlin's gluttonous daily routine, and all rounded off by some beautiful live balcony piano from the talented J Hobbs. Email us at or tweet at @dopefiend to join the show or contribute, Stay Stoned!