Oct 7, 2013
Emma Wilson recently joined the Hampshire Cannabis Community
admin team and is helping out left, right and centre. Now she's
helping the BFPJ to on this, the 12th episode of the UKCSC Podcast.
This month has seen more protests picnic's up and down the country.
Emma fills us in on Hampshire's own gathering in Basingstoke's
Eastrop Park.
Please sign and share Caroline Lucas MP's e-petition to encourage
an evidence based cost benefit-analysis of the current policy on
drugs: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/45969
Visit the UKCSC website where you can find a list of local clubs as
well as listing of events and and atricles following the goings on
in the movement: http://ukcsc.co.uk/official-ukcsc-list/
Or visit the networks facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/UKCSC
Or e-mail the show at: ukcsc@dopefiend.co.uk
If you like our intro please look up the amazingly talented esse.b
at: http://www.djesseb.com
Playlist: Dub FX - Society Gates; Bonobo - Kong.