Feb 17, 2013
After more banter about lobsters, reggae and food, Uncle Weed offers observations about music industry, taxi drivers, civic pride, pothole filling, corrupt government and cynicism, devalued currency, human potential, news of the day, Patois remix, ninja squirrel mongoose, Rasta culture, fireflies, coconuts, kids doing homework, bats catching mosquitos, meaning of goats, donkeys strolling, swimming (or lack thereof), varieties of crabs, Prime Minsterial hijinks, calling elections, cruise ships, markets, churches, and Jamaica-Canada connections.
Music Snippets:
Dance Dis Ya Festival by Freddie McKay
Boom Shaka Laka by Hopeton Lewis
Give Thanks and Praises, by Ray Rayon
Play Di Music by Tinga Stewart
Proud to Be Jamaican by Eric Donaldson
Stop and Go by Unknown
Cherry Oh Baby by Eric Donaldson
Land of my Birth by Eric Donaldson
Come Sing with Me by Stanley and the Turbine
Sweet Jamaica by Eric Donaldson
Jump in the Line by Marvin Brooks