Mar 29, 2021
Get High 207 is an email roundup show. We hear from The Shaggy Dark Lord, Syconot, Magic Trics and Hammy.
Hammy’s is here:
Mar 28, 2021
Back for another Dopefiend Quarantined as we count down the weeks to our 420 special, the Dopefiend is joined this week by The Vaporist, Hudsonrulez, BB, Syconot, Scotto Baggins and Green Lady, MangledMe, TeenagePie and Mrs Mole, Jade HempressRising, Lorenzo Hagerty and Jade HempressRising to talk about the recent...
Mar 21, 2021
On the first episode of Dopefiend Quarantined's second season, the Dopefiend and DopeTribe are back one year after the world went into lockdown and reconnect on how their lives have changed in the past twelve months, with input from Scottobaggins and Green Lady, Son of Gonzo, the Gremlin of Ganja, Hudsonrulez, Teenage...
Mar 15, 2021
Get High 205. Email round-up with correspondence from The Milky, Vince Noir, Magic Trics, Hammy and Syconot.