Oct 30, 2006
The Web's Favourite Cannabis Commentator presents another bumper edition of the Dopecast, in which he returns to Vaporizers, in particular portable ones, talks pocket sized bongs, more about the rash of adulterated weed in the UK, Why more men use Cannabis than women, And news of the Canadian Church busted for selling...
Oct 28, 2006
This week Dopefiend.co.uk's Grow Guru Zandor thought he had a short show for everyone... but guess again! Once he gets started talking Hydro and the Mystery growing system KBS growing he ends up just over an hour. You too will loose yourself in this weeks show just thinking about adding KBS style to your grow room....
Oct 26, 2006
One for the ladies...This show is going out especially for the women amongst us messy stoners :) Seems like we are seriously under-representing our sisters, so this show is a call to all you gals to get in touch, and hit us with the tunes that you are listening to. Check out Dante's Prayer for a smooth...
Oct 23, 2006
On today's bumper edition of the Web's Favourite Cannabis Podcast, the Dopefiend attempts a vaporizer-free show thanks to a listener request, invites you into his Vapor Lounge and takes you through the various strains in his stash box, discusses international differences in smoking methods, how to make Cannabis Coffee,...
Oct 19, 2006
It's Episode 20 and Queerninja begins to kindle some kind of organisation for the show. But, in time honored fashion, Mother Mary helps to confuse the heck out of Ninja-san and it all goes a bit wonky :) Nevermind, there's some lovely trippy tunes this week too. Email queerninja@dopefiend.co.uk, leave comments at