Jul 28, 2011
BB's Bungalow #47
The growing OzTribe #dopetribe
This episode we’ll be joined by a couple of Dopetribers from the growing contingent of Oztribers. We’ll be joined by regular guest and host Tirikite Toker as well as the lovely Volcano Angel and introducing a new member of the OzTribe: Sgt Nomad.
I’ll also be putting some dates in your diary with Entheogenesis Australis coming up this December in Victoria, as well as Dopestock 2012 next April in Amsterdam. Of course, all of this with a great collection of toons and clips for you to toke to J
So drop us an email to blackbeauty@dopefiend.co.uk or find BB on Skype at BlackBeauty1977 or Twitter at BlackBeauty. We love receiving your trip reports, questions, product reviews, voicemails, comedy or music that you would like to hear on the Bungalow. Every little bit you send helps out with putting these shows together for you, on the last Thursday of each and every month….especially for our 50th show which is just a couple of months away!
Next month, Tirikite Toker will be travelling but you can still drop him an email and request some tracks from his extensive world music vault. Send your message to tirikitetoker@earthling.net.
Leon – TenTemPiés
Entheogenesis Australis 2011
WA bans synthetic cannabis
Marijuana Prohibition in Australia
TIBET: Awakened Heart
Psychedelic Salon
P l a y l i s t : Leon - TenTemPiés; Solid Rock – Goanna; Clip: WA bans synthetic cannabis - Lateline; Smoke Weed Every Day - Crydamoure; Clip: Marijuana Prohibition in Australia - 7pm project; Clip: Dopecast episode 274 – Dopefiend; Time – Kora.
Tirikite Toker’s World Music Playlist*: Snow Lion - Ghang Sang, Medicine Buddha - Menlha, Lotus Born - Pemma, Semchok - Awakened Heart.
* All from the album "TIBET: Awakened Heart" by Tenzin Choegyal and Taro Terahara.
Gather your sesh buddies for a vape and smoke at the Bungalow!
Remember to join us on the last Thursday of every month
for a new episode of BB’s Bungalow on Dopefiend.co.uk.