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Feb 23, 2009

They're BACK…….!!

Zandor & Mrs.Z are back for another season of the show that teaches you how to care for yourself and grow your own Medical Marijuana.

We kick off the new season with a side by side by side grow.  Matching Bushmaster and Fox Farm Open Sesame in a winner take all grow match.

Zandor is back with politics with passion to keep you educated and informed.

While Mrs.Z brings you the news you need to know.

Theme song preformed by 

fifteen and a half years ago

Hello Zandor and Mrs.Z,

Report no. 78 is the first report I\'ve listened to, as I\'m a newbie to dopefiend. I think this report is informative and entertaining. However, I don\'t like some of your rants Zandor. I found many (not all) to be indulgently emotivistic with little to no real substance. Put differently, you seemed at time merely pissed off...aggressively expressing a \"boo\" type of attitude toward particular issues/people.

Anyway, I\'d like to become a regular listener of the Report, and you Zandor can help make that a reality if you can tone down the superfluous and aggressively intense rants.

Please know that my comments are meant to help improve the show and I hope they are accepted as friendly.

I look forward to listing to Report no. 79!!!
