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Jan 18, 2013

KMO and the Lovely Olga K welcome Dennis McKenna to the Psychonautica program to continue the conversation started in C-Realm Podcast episode 345. Dennis revealed in a recent presentation given in NYC that he and his older brother, Terence, were strongly influenced by the writing of H.P. Lovecraft when they were young. KMO reads a passage from Lovecraft's 1920 story, From Beyond, which includes a passage that seems very much like a DMT experience. (You can hear an excellent dramatic reading of the story at Dennis also talks about the situation in and around Iquitos, Peru, the epicenter of ayahuasca tourism. He makes reference to the death of Kyle Nolan during an ayahuasca ceremony at the Chimbre Center and ponders what measures can be put in place to preserve the freedom of locals and tourists to experience the benefits of ayahuasca while minimizing the chances that they will come to harm under the guidance of careless or predatory "shamans." Later in the program, Lex Pelger and Kil Gerlikowske talk about various pshychedic substances and practices in a kitchen table discussion recorded in Olga's kitchen.

Music interlude by Jon Hobotech Margulies. Atmospheric music by Stefan Fraser and Rob Christopher.