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Apr 20, 2012

Psychonautica creator, KMO, and his Z-Realm co-host, the Lovely Olga K, restart the Psychonautica engine for first time in over two years. KMO has recently moved to New York City, a psychedelic universe unto itself, and there are so many psychonauts to talk to here, that no Skype calls need be made in the production of this podcast. The co-hosts start the podcast with an explanation as to why they and their guests, podcasting from Prison Nation America, will not be as upfront and explicit about the ingestion of psychedelic medicines as the presenters on other Podcast Network shows. The lion's share of the program consists of an interview with composer and ethnomusicologist, Alexandre Tannous. They open the discussion with talk of cymatics and synesthesia, but the conversation ranges over diverse terrain from there. Afterwards, KMO and Olga describe their experience of Alexandre's sound-based technique for inducing non-ordinary states of consciousness. Send us email at

Musical contributors:

Alexandre Tannous

Sxip Shirey
